
Monday, August 26, 2013

An artsy survey for you...

Soooooooooooo, I have a problem.

I have A.A.D.D.

Artist Attention Deficit Disorder.

But to be fair, I think most artistic people tend to be this way. We can't help it--the ideas just come from tons of different places and we get excited so we will stop in the middle of one project and start another.

So here's the problem (and I don't even know if this really is a problem): I'm not sure which style of art I should be focusing on.

I have acrylic and oil landscapes, canvas children paintings, and feminine watercolors (and lots of prints) stocked up in the shop. The watercolors seem to get the most attention, but then I was wondering if maybe it was because I didn't have more in the other categories.

So would you mind hitting a button for me for a second, pretty please with a cherry on top? I am just really curious and would love some input! From friends and from people just stopping by--it would be greatly appreciated :)

Just click on this link and it will send you to a new page really quick. I already tried it out and it is easy as pie. Thanks!

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