
Monday, August 12, 2013

A Realization

A close up of my newest watercolor, already sold to an old friend, but prints will be made :)

Trying out my mom's set of Derwent Aquatone Watercolor Woodless Pencils. They are awesome!! I want some now!

I love to read blogs. Most of all, I love ones that are creative and personal.

Once upon a time I started a family blog. I had just gotten married and we were expecting our first baby within our first year of being married and I wanted to document it. It was fun to write and it was personal.

But then I stopped...

It made sense at the time. I began to question whether or not I really wanted my life to be exposed to people I didn't know (and even to one I did know!). I wondered if it was narcissistic. Was it even safe?

So I moved my blog to another site, made it unsearchable, and then wrote a few more posts and I was done. And now I am sad I did that! I have such wonderful documentation of our sweet little family life for my stepson and little boy, but my baby girl has a big chunk of documentation missing! All I have are a few random Facebook posts, but no other effort was put in. I never thought I would slack that much on a second child, but I am guilty. The poor kid doesn't even have a first year scrapbook (Calvin has two :/ ).

I tried to keep my arts and crafts separate from my personal life, but alas, I have found them intertwined. The proof lies in this blog! I hardly post, because what else is there to say except, "Look at what I made?" There are stories behind everything and I have omitted them to be safe.

And now I feel like my blog is lacking heart.

I want to change that! I want a space to show that I am a real person and to be honest.

So I hope you don't mind...because I really want to try this out. I don't know who is listening (or if any one is for that matter!) but I'm going to start putting more heart into my blog :)

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